Jon Qalam - Fitness Instructor, Personal Trainer

Water Fitness Instructor, Strength Trainer, Personal Trainer (NASM), Race walker, and Marathoner.

"Big Jon Q" taught Physical training to High school teens in the 90s with great success, and the experience was very rewarding.  A number of them have become Personal trainers and are doing races and Marathons now.  Jon has taken a special interest in Aqua Fitness Training, and finds it easier on the joints.  By using water pressure, Jon finds that you can increase range of motion, and build strength without challenging the joints. This is huge.

Another favorite of Jon's is power and race walking. "Again here is another exercise you can build with intensity without challenging the joints," he said. "I’ve been racing with The Natural Living Running and Walking Club, since 1993 doing races and marathons and my knees and joints are fine."

Jon is a personal trainer, with an impressive success record. He is cycling through the city, when not walking through it. He stays active and tries to set an example for others.

Jon and his girlfriend have trained hundreds of children and Adults to ride bicycles for Bike NY. He has done several Boston to New York AIDs Rides, along with several Ultra Marathons. Jon is also an Artist and Illustrator. He has one daughter, two granddaughters, a girlfriend and three puppies.